Maine Life Videos & Webcams
Postcards from Maine
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Maine Life, Maine Weather, Maine People, Maine Places & Activities,
Discover the Coast of Maine - MaineLife Video
Soak in the sights and enjoy Maine hospitality at its best.
Maine's rich history is rivalled only by its remarkable size. The largest state in New England, Maine contains 17 million acres of forestland, 6,000 lakes and ponds,
32,000 miles of rivers and streams, 2,000 islands, half-a-million acres of national and state parks and just 1.2 million people. Whether it's history and art,
shopping and leisure or hiking and sailing, Maine offers it all.
No one knows coastal Maine real estate like we do.
We make it easy for you to fulfill your dream of owning property on or near the coast of Maine. We'll help you locate just the right property and guide you safely—and
wisely—through the negotiation and acquisition of your real estate purchase. Put our years of coastwise knowledge and experience representing Maine's home buyers to
work for you. Call us tooday to discuss your search at: 800-293-4416.

Fishing in Maine - MaineLife Video
Maine boasts 5,500 miles of coastline, 6,000 lakes and ponds, and 32,000 miles of rivers and streams. The state's fishing waters have remained strong because of
management practices, a statewide stocking program, and the general health of waterways. Maine has the largest wild native brook trout population in the country and
more miles of native brook trout water than any other state in the country.
If you're buying
coastal Maine real estate, do yourself a favor and find an experienced buyer's broker who knows
the coast of Maine.
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Coastal Maine WebCams - Maine WebCam Directory
Live from Maine! Links to scenic Maine web cameras.
Let your PC take you to Maine with these wonderful web cams that capture the state's beaches, lighthouses, harbors and towns.Visit Maine from the comfort of your
home or office — 24/7/365.
We'll help you locate just the right property and guide you safely—and wisely—through the negotiation and acquisition of your real estate purchase.
Put our years of coastwise knowledge and experience representing Maine's home buyers to work for you. Call us to discuss your search at 800-293-4416.
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Lobster Fishing Off Vinalhaven in Maine - MaineLife Video
Long ago, lobsters were so plentiful that Native Americans used them to fertilize their fields and to bait their hooks for fishing. In colonial times, lobsters were
considered "poverty food." They were harvested from tidal pools and served to children, to prisoners, and to indentured servants, who exchanged their passage to America
for seven years of service to their sponsors. In Massachusetts, some of the servants finally rebelled. They had it put into their contracts that they would not be
forced to eat lobster more than three times a week.
Maine Lobstering History
Until the early 1800s, lobstering was done by gathering them by hand along the shoreline. Lobstering as a trap fishery came into existence in Maine around 1850.
Today Maine is the largest lobster-producing state in the nation. Though the number of lobstermen has increased dramatically, the amount of lobsters caught has
remained relatively steady. In 1892, 2600 people in the Maine lobster fishery caught 7,983 metric tons; in 1989, 6300 Maine lobstermen landed 10,600 metric tons
of lobster.
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Clam Digging - How Clams Get To The Table MaineLife Video
Clam Digging Is Hard Work Done In All Kinds Of Weather
Clam digging is a common means of harvesting clams from below the surface of the tidal mud flats where they live.
It is done both recreationally (for enjoyment or as a source of food) and commercially (as a source of income). Commercial digging is colloquially
referred to as clamming, and is done by a clammer.
Clam digging in Maine is done using a "clam hoe" (a pitchfork with the handle cut off about 18" from the tines then bent about 70 degrees)
and a "roller" (a half? bushel basket built using wood lathes or wire mesh) and hip waders (boots that extend up to the top of the legs).
Lobster Fishing in Maine. What its like to be a lobsterman in Maine MaineLife Video
Lobster traps are the best technique to catch lobsters.
The State of Maine has special laws that are designed to protect our lobster fishery for years to come. We use a special gauge to measure the lobsters carapace (body).
There are both minimum and maximum size measurements. The minimum size is designed to make sure that all lobsters are mature enough to breed at least once before they
are harvested. The maximum size limit is designed to protect the breeding stock. A minimum size lobster will weigh around 1 lb., while a maximum size lobster will
weigh between 3-4 lbs. The most plentiful, and most popular size of Maine Lobsters are 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 lb. each. Maine is the only state to protect the resource like
North Haven Island - MaineLife Video
North Haven is an island town proud of its traditions, its independence, its treasured natural beauty and its unique community of twelfth generation natives,
fourth (as well as first) generation seasonal residents, retired and pre-retired baby boomers, maverick spirits, new arrivals, young year-round families, old bachelors,
reconstructed hippies, young farmers, not-so-young Grangers, artists, sailors, artisans, fishermen, boat-builders, babies (Hunter, Caden, Ezra, Zeke, Bailey, Whitney,
Emmi Rose, Cyrus, Parker and Warren ), makers-of-many-things, brides (Lydia, Hannah, Becca, Monica, Liza, Cassie & Amanda) romantics and curmudgeons.
Maps of Popular Coastal Maine Towns
Life on Peaks Island Maine - MaineLife Video
Peaks Island Residents Tell Their Stories
Peaks Island is the most populated island in the Casco Bay, with a winter population of approximately 850. In the summer months, however, the population swells to
4,000 or 5,000. The island has a 130-year-old elementary school serving 54 students from grades K-5. There is also a year-round developmental daycare facility,
called the Children’s Workshop, that provides preschool, before- and after-school programs and daycare for ages 2 to 5 years. Most people commute daily to jobs on
the mainland as do middle and senior high-school students. The island is also home to many retirees, and the Fay Garmin house was built as a senior housing community.
Morning at Pemaquid Point Maine - MaineLife Video
How a day begins in Maine
Pemaquid Point itself entrances both land and water visitors by the fascinating northwest-southeast varied veins of rock formation that look for all the world as if
great giants had 'pulled taffy' while the rocks were in a molten condition.
Here's an eEasy way to view all real estate listings in any town on the coast of Maine.
Additionally, there's links to the town's Chamber of Commerce, a local newspaper, town facts, and local points of interest. Get to know Maine towns. Visit the chamber
of Commerce. Read the local newspaper. Get local information.
Portland Maine Is A Top Retirement City - MaineLife Video
U.S. News & World Reports - Portland Maine - Best Places to Retire
Videos, webcams, points of interest, town facts, etc. Local knowledge
Green living. Organic Gardening magazine recently named Portland, Maine as one of the greenest cities in the nation. Portland residents pride themselves on their
compact, walkable city, which, like Boston some 100 miles to the south, was built before the automobile. For local travel, Portland runs a well-regarded public transit
system. To go farther afield, more and more residents rely on Amtrak's Downeaster route to Boston. And a nonprofit called Portland Green Streets encourages people to
leave their cars at home on the last Friday of each month. "People are finding ways of living their lives without the automobile and finding ways to reduce our carbon
footprint," says Dave Marshall, an artist and Portland city councilor. Barbara Doughty, 65, moved here from Des Moines five years ago with her husband. She finds both
exercise and companionship at Lifeline, an affordable, comprehensive wellness program offered by the University of Southern Maine. "The people who work out here are
great," she says, panting as she pedals an exercise bike. There are more than 60 offerings—from gyms to yoga to Pilates—within 5 miles of the university, says fitness
manager Peter Allen.
Anna Goodale - Olympic Gold comes from growing up in Maine Postcard from Maine
"I grew up tapping maple trees, collecting honey, bringing in hay, . . . being outside all the time," said Goodale whose mother home schooled her until the age of nine,
allowing her creativity to flourish.
The athlete’s love of Maine inspires her. "When I’m away from Maine, I loose a bit of how special the state is. Then when I come back I feel the magic here and see how
beautiful it is. There’s something in the air here that makes you feel more alive. There are very few places that I’ve been to that touch me the same way Maine does.
For me it’s rejuvenating. Just to be able to be outside, to be around the ocean and mountains. And where the mountains meet the sea is where I grew up, in Camden,"
said Goodale. "It’s amazing to have all those opportunities here, growing up on the water, sailing, and rowing. My father taught me how to row a dingy; it’s a little
different than rowing in the Olympics — it was a great start. For me, growing up on the water, being outside and developing athletics, and then being able to compete
in the Olympics, has been just absolutely perfect."
Maine is a great place to live & raise children - Postcard from Maine
Maine leads the country in high school graduation rates, at 95.4%
and ranks in the top 10% of states for quality of education.
Belfast is a fun place to live - Postcard from Maine
Belfast is an offbeat quirky & artsy town on the coast of Maine
Last year, Belfast, Maine, had painted bears along the steep Main Street that runs down to the harbor. But this year, the city left the artists to their own devices
and the resulting show is full of quirky surprises. I met artist Cy Klausmeyer of nearby Swanville making a few adjustments to his Bicycle Icthyopter, a bicycle with
metal fish head and tail attached. Climb on and pedal hard and the tail swishes back and forth. Klausmeyer also created my favorite piece: a shiny red tricycle
outfitted with two pairs of shiny red wings. It looks like it could fly. “That’s why I have it bolted down,” Klausmeyer said, “so nobody will try to pedal it off a
Schooner - Camden Harbor in Winter - Postcard from Maine
Winter brings a quiet time to Camden Maine
The water in the harbor freezes some years. Ducks still come around and look for tourists and handouts. The waterfall still runs and fishermen anxiously await the
return of the eels. The fisherman will be putting out their nets to try to catch the teeny tiny eels as they try to migrate up the waterfall. The seals can also be
seen swimming around looking to see if dinner is ready. Many come to Camden and Rockport looking for seals because of the (true) legend of Andre the Seal. The ducks,
seals, eels, and fisherman work all winter, making the harbor a true working winter harbor and a scenic wonderland.
Oceanfront Home on Swans Island Maine - Postcard from Maine
Swan's Island is a remote island, with ferry service originating in Bass Harbor
The island has almost none of the mainland amenities. There are no stores, no liquor sales, and no amusements, except those that people create for themselves.
The year-round population is about 350 people, with over 1000 people in the summertime.
Lobstering is the main occupation on Swan's Island. The economy of the island is mostly dependent on the income derived from lobstering. Swan's Island has about
40 full-time lobstermen and women, and many part-timers, including school children who fish from small skiffs in the summer.
Mackerel Fishing in Maine - Postcard from Maine
Pointers for Parents - Get Kids Hooked on Fishing in Maine
Get local knowledge.
Maine has so much water. Remember that almost all water bodies in Maine contain fish. And kids aren’t that picky. Go to the nearest lake or pond. Pan fish will do for
starters. Rivers are trickier than ponds and lakes for small legs. To get kids started, find a dock on a lake or pond. Remember to have them wear a life preserver if
fishing in an exposed place like a rocky point. Learn to cast a line before you go out with your child so you can teach them how. Once they learn to cast, they’re off
and running. Your child will appreciate bigger hands helping out when things go wrong—which they will—including line tangles, lures caught in bushes, and snags on the
Local CoastWise Knowledge of Maine Real Estate
Bailey Island Maine - Mackerel Cove - Postcard from Maine
Mackerel Cove is in Harpswell Maine. Mackerel Cove must be one of the most picturesque small harbors in Maine. The cove itself is largely a traditional Maine working
harbor. There are a few moored pleasure boats but they are clearly the minority to a larger fleet of working class commercial lobster and fishing boats
Owning real estate is still one of the best wealth builders available to a vast majority of people.
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